Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Doll Show, and Life Lessons

Rant ahead.

I went to a doll show with my grandma on Sunday. It was the same one I got Felicity at last year, so of course I brought $100 just in case I found another AG, although I doubted it because Felicity was the only one there last year. Anyway, I found this beautiful Addy and Molly! Addy is PM; absolutely gorgeous and perfect, except for some small scratches on her cheek and nose. She probably was never even played with, and her hair is awesome. That $100 bill practically flew out of my pocket. Now I know why everyone needs an Addy. Molly is nice, but I definitely got burned. I asked the lady (different seller than the person who sold me Addy)  if I could examine her, and she said yes, so I checked (apparently not well enough) her hair, strings, limbs, and I didn't want to completely strip the doll of her clothes, so I just briefly looked under her dress to see if she had any damage to her body. Nope. Not any that I could see there, anyway. At home, I went outside in the sun so I could photograph them and give them a nice cleaning (I clean all of my secondhand dolls no matter how nice they seem). So I took off Molly's dress, tights, and shoes, and begin to scrub her arms with baking soda and I notice about 8 teeny, tiny holes in her body, big enough for the stuffing to poke out but not big enough for me to have seen without taking all of her clothing off. The biggest two were hidden under the tights, a few more were in the little creases in the fabric near the shoulder. The last one was right next to the tag. I know I should have checked her completely at the show, but the lady seemed so nice and she even gave me a discount when I told her the doll was Molly and not Samantha, I guess I just trusted too much. I just can't believe she didn't tell me. And she knew, trust me, I am positive of it. She was talking about dressing the doll in the wrong outfit, and that's why she was wearing Samantha's dress. I know it's still my fault, but I can't help  being ticked off that someone would be that dishonest to her customers. I bought a doll with holes in her body before, but the seller clearly stated that and I paid the right price for what I got. Now I have a doll that I overpayed for and I have no idea what to do with. But I guess I have to just forget about it. This is the first time I have had a bad experience buying secondhand AG stuff, I guess it has to happen to everyone at some point. I am pretty bummed, and I know re-selling her won't give me the money I paid for her, but I am starting to sell some other old stuff on Ebay so I can get back at least some of the money I had saved up. I'm still on the fence about the doll. I really don't think I can bond with her just because of the bad experience I had, but I might end up keeping her just in case I need parts for another doll. And hey, I learned something: always strip the ---- doll before you pay money for her. And trust no one. To a certain extent.

Anyway, if you read this far, you probably want pictures, right? At least I can enjoy my Addy.

Whew. First rant on my new blog.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cow Tales

I have a love-and-hate relationship with Cow Tales. Oh, that amazingly delicious caramel outside and the soft, sugary creme on the inside... It's hard to resist. Add some chocolate and you have a chocolate Cow Tale, which is beyond perfection. But why do I always regret it an hour later when I have a stomachache so bad that I can't do anything but lay down? Stupid things. So there's my dilemma - to eat it, or not to eat it?