Friday, April 1, 2011

Cow Tales

I have a love-and-hate relationship with Cow Tales. Oh, that amazingly delicious caramel outside and the soft, sugary creme on the inside... It's hard to resist. Add some chocolate and you have a chocolate Cow Tale, which is beyond perfection. But why do I always regret it an hour later when I have a stomachache so bad that I can't do anything but lay down? Stupid things. So there's my dilemma - to eat it, or not to eat it?


  1. lol! I've never had one of these! :O I should try one! ;)

  2. Maybe, but don't say you weren't warned! Ha ha.

  3. lol, yeah! I gotta be veeeeryy careful! ;)

  4. Hmm... that's a tough decision. I would say eat, but I had a horrible stomachache this morning, so now I'm not so sure.

  5. I ended up tossing it out. Just not worth it.

  6. The next time you have a cow tale, maybe you could eat it in small portions.
